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NS HOME Awards


The NS HOME (National Service Housing, Medical and Education) Awards aim to strengthen our National Servicemen's (NSmen) stake in their country and support their needs in housing, healthcare and education. The NS HOME Awards replace the National Service Recognition Award (NSRA).


Eligibility Criteria

NS HOME Awards recognise NSmen at each of the three significant milestones during their NS journey. The three milestones are:


Eligibility Criteria

  • Completion of Full-time NS
Completion of Full-time NS
  • Mid-point of ORNS Cycle

Completion of 3 High Key ICTs or


Completion of 5 ORNS years of ICTs, of which 2 are High Key ICTs, whichever is earlier

  • Completion of ORNS Cycle
Completion of ORNS cycle (10 ORNS years) of which 7 are High Key ICTs

Table: Eligibility Criteria for the NS HOME Awards


Servicemen who enlist on or after 1 December 2011 will be eligible for the first milestone of the NS HOME Awards. 


NSmen who reach the mid-point of their Operationally Ready National Service (ORNS) training cycle or complete their ORNS training cycle on or after 1 April 2014 will be eligible for the awards.


Eligible NSmen will receive $5,000 at each of the milestones. NSmen who are commanders (Rank of Sergeant and above for HomeTeam NSmen) will receive $500 more ($5,500) at each milestone to recognise their heavier responsibilities. From 1 Apr 2022, an additional $2,000 across three NS HOME milestones will be introduced – $1,000 at the completion of FTNS, and $500 each at the mid-point and completion of ORNS. It will be disbursed in credits that can be accessed via the LifeSG mobile application. The credits can be used conveniently at over 200,000 physical stores and e-commerce platforms accepting payment via PayNow UEN QR or NETS QR.


NS HOME 1: $3,000 of the first award will be deposited into the Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA). This is to meet full-time National Servicemen's aspirations to further their studies after they complete their full-time National Service. The PSEA can be used for education in approved local institutions. NSmen will also receive an additional $2,000 in Medisave grants into their Central Provident Fund(CPF) Medisave Account. From 1 Apr 2022, $1000 credits will also be disbursed in the LifeSG mobile application.


NS HOME 2 and 3: $3,000 of the second and third awards will be deposited into an NSmen's CPF Ordinary Account. This will allow the NSmen to use the awards for housing and other purposes. NSmen will also receive an additional $2,000 per milestone in Medisave grants into their CPF Medisave Account. From 1 Apr 2022, $500 credits will also be disbursed in the LifeSG mobile application.


The awards will be paid to eligible servicemen within two months of reaching the milestone.


Contact Info

For more information regarding the NS HOME Awards, please contact:

NS Call Centre at 1800-3676767, or email to;