Fire Engine / Ambulance
Non-Emergency Ambulance
Fire Hazard Reporting
1800 280 0000
General Enquiries
1800 286 5555
Fire Hazard Reporting
General Enquiries
The Defence of Singapore is based on the concept of Total Defence, comprising Psychological, Civil, Social, Economic, Military and Digital Defence.
The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) performs several essential roles and functions. These not only include fire-fighting, emergency medical and rescue services. SCDF also develops, implements and enforces regulations on public protection, fire safety and civil defence shelter matters.
The Home Team has been stepping up our fight against terrorism with more resources committed to strengthening our security forces. The SG Secure national movement is Singapore’s community response to the threat of terror. It aims to sensitise, train, and mobilise our community to prevent and deal with a terror attack. The CD training and experience acquired by NSF and ORNSmen with SCDF enables them to take on roles in the community. The can help to ensure the safety of the population and speedy recovery of the economy during any attacks.