  • 995

    Fire Engine / Ambulance

  • 1777

    Non-Emergency Ambulance

  • Fire Hazard Reporting

    1800 280 0000

  • General Enquiries

    1800 286 5555

  • 995

    Fire Engine / Ambulance

  • 1777

    Non-Emergency Ambulance

Roles & Functions


As the national authority for civil emergencies in Singapore, SCDF is responsible for the provision of firefighting, rescue, and emergency medical services, as well as the formulation, implementation, and enforcement of fire safety regulations and civil defence shelter matters.


To fulfil its roles, the SCDF has established 4 systems to cater to Singapore's emergency needs - Warning; Protection; Rescue; Command, Control and Communications.


Warning System

The SCDF has installed an island-wide Public Warning System (PWS) which will be used to warn the public of military threats such as air raid. This system can also be used to alert the population of any serious industrial mishaps or natural disasters in localised areas. The warning given will enable the public to seek protection on time.


Protection System

A comprehensive sheltering system has been developed to complement the PWS. The first phase of the shelter construction programme covering high-rise public housing started in January 1987. Since 1997, all new public and private residential buildings must make provisions for a household or storey shelter. In addition, MRT stations have been hardened to serve as civil defence shelters. SCDF is responsible for the sheltering system and has raised national service units who will jointly manage the shelters with Civil Defence volunteers during emergency.


Rescue System

During peacetime, the Force is capable of handling more than one rescue operation and multiple fire incidents through its multi-fire station configuration. This capability will be upgraded to meet the wartime demands through the deployment of Operationally Ready National Service Men who are organised and trained to undertake specialised operations. SCDF also co-operates with the various related agencies such as the Building Construction Authority, Public Utilities Board and the Singapore Police Force to restore normalcy as soon as possible.


Command, Control & Communication (C3) System

The Force has an integrated computerised system that ensures the effective control of scarce resources and the deployment of forces to the most needed part of the island during emergency.