9.5.1 General
a. Means of escape
(1) Aboveground shop floors
One exit staircase is permitted to serve an aboveground shop floor provided:
(a) the habitable height of the floor shall not exceed 15m;
(b) the floor shall not be located above 4th storey; and
(c) the AFA of the floor shall not exceed 200m².
(2) Underground shop floors
One exit staircase is permitted to serve a shop basement provided:
(a) the building is of non-combustible construction;
(b) the depth of basement storey shall not exceed 9m below the average ground level;
(c) compartment below ground shall not comprise more than one storey; and
(d) the AFA of each basement storey, including service ducts, lift shafts, toilets, staircase, etc., shall not exceed 200m2.
Effective Date: 01 Mar 2019
b. Structural fire precautions
(Not in use)
9.5.2 Outdoor Display Areas (ODAs)
a. General
This set of fire safety requirements shall be applicable to the following four types of Outdoor Display Areas (ODAs).
(1) Non-roofed-over ODAs detached from building
This refers to the ODAs where goods are displayed at the outdoors without any roofing. An example of this type of ODAs is the outdoor flea market.
E ! Note to QPs on Clause 9.5.2a.(1)Application for approval of fire safety plans for ODAs complying fully with Cl.9.5.2b.(1) is not required.
(2) Roofed-over ODAs detached from building
This refers to the ODAs where goods are displayed at the outdoors with roofing. An example of this type of ODAs is the outdoor kiosk.
E ! Note to QPs on Clause 9.5.2a.(2)For ODAs complying fully with Cl.9.5.2b.(2), the owner/operator of the ODAs can apply for Temporary Permit if the intended period of occupation of the ODA is not exceeding two months.
When the intended period for the display of goods is more than two months, the owner/operator of the ODAs shall engage a QP to submit fire safety plans to SCDF for approval. A Registered Inspector(s) of relevant discipline shall also be engaged by the owner/operator to inspect the completed fire safety works.
(3) ODAs along covered walkway
This refers to the ODA where goods are displayed along the common walkway in front of a shop unit.
E ! Note to QPs on Clause 9.5.2a.(3)Application for approval of fire safety plans for ODAs complying fully with Cl.9.5.2b.(3) is not required except when drop-down screen is used at the ODAs for protecting merchandises from the weather elements (see Cl.9.5.2b.(3)(c)). For the installation of drop-down screen, the owner/operator of the ODAs shall engage a QP to prepare and lodge the fire safety plans with SCDF under the Lodgement Scheme for minor addition/alternation works.
(4) ODAs with extended awning/ canopy
This refers to the ODAs where goods are displayed underneath the awning/ canopy from a shop front.
E ! Note to QPs on Clause 9.5.2a.(4)Application for approval of fire safety plans for ODAs complying fully with Cl.9.5.2b.(4) is not required except when:
a. drop-down screen is used at the ODAs for protecting merchandises from the weather elements (Cl.9.5.2b.(4)(f)); or
b. the building sprinkler system is extended to cover the ODAs (Cl.9.5.2b.(4)(h)).
For the installation of drop-down screen, the owner/operator of the ODAs shall engage a QP to prepare and lodge the fire safety plans with SCDF under the Lodgement Scheme for minor addition/alternation works. For the extension of building sprinkler system to cover the ODAs, a Registered Inspector(s) of relevant discipline, in addition to the QP, shall also be engaged by the owner/operator to inspect the completed fire safety works.
b. Fire Safety Requirements for Outdoor Display Areas (ODAs)
(1) Non roofed-over ODAs detached from building
(a) The goods display area shall be located at least 3m from the roof eaves and/or boundaries of the neighbouring buildings.
(b) There is no control on the size/height of the ODAs and the materials used for displaying goods at the ODAs.
(See Diagram 9.5.2b.(1))
(2) Roofed-over ODAs detached from building
(a) The goods display area shall be located at least 3m from the roof eaves and/ or boundaries of the neighbouring buildings.
(b) The maximum total length of stalls shall not exceed 6m. A separation distance of at least 3m shall be provided between stalls if the total length exceeds 6m. However, the continuous length of stalls can exceed 6m if hose reel is provided to cover these stalls.
(c) There is no control on the size/ height of the ODAs and the materials used for displaying goods at the ODAs.
(See Diagram 9.5.2b.(2))
(3) ODAs along covered walkway
(a) A clear width of not less than 1.2m shall be maintained along the covered walkway at the shop front.
(b) Racks for displaying goods shall not exceed 3m in length. There shall be a minimum 1m wide clear path between rows of racks. Goods shall not be stacked higher than 2m above floor level.
(c) There shall not be any drop-down screen at the ODAs for protecting merchandises from weather elements, except the retractable type approved by the SCDF. The retractable screen shall retract upon activation of smoke detectors or during a power failure.
(d) Goods shall not be placed within 3m from the discharge points of exit staircases. However, if there is more than one exit staircase or there is a rear escape at the 1st storey for single exit staircase, the distance can be reduced to 1.5m.
(e) Goods, shelves or racks shall not be left overnight at the ODAs outside the shop after operating hours.
(f) Hose reel shall be provided to cover the ODAs if the total area of shop and ODAs per unit exceeds 150m2 or if the unit above the shop is used for non-residential purposes. The hose reel shall be located not more than 5m from exit.
(See Diagram 9.5.2b.(3))
(4) ODAs with extended awning/canopy
(a) The depth of awning/canopy shall not exceed 2.4m. There is no restriction on the use of material for the awning/canopy.
(b) The awning/canopy shall be set back at least 3m from the discharge points of exit staircases. However, if there is more than one exit staircase or there is a rear escape at the first storey for single exit staircase, the distance can be reduced to 1.5m.
(c) Goods, shelves or racks shall not be left overnight at the ODAs outside the shop after operating hours.
(d) A clear width of at least 1.2m shall be maintained along the covered walkway at the shop front.
(e) Racks for displaying goods shall not exceed 3m in length. There shall be a minimum 1m wide clear path between rows of racks. Goods shall not be stacked higher than 2m before floor level.
(f) There shall not be any drop-down screen at the ODAs for protecting merchandises from the weather elements, except the retractable type approved by the SCDF. The retractable screen shall retract upon activation of smoke detectors or during a power failure.
(g) Hose reel shall be provided to cover the ODAs if the total area of shop and ODAs per unit exceeds 150m2 or if the unit above the shop is used for non-residential purposes. The hose reel shall be located not more than 5m from exit.
(h) For sprinkler-protected buildings, the sprinkler system shall be extended to cover the ODAs. The sprinkler shall not be obstructed by the stacked merchandises and a minimum vertical clearance of 500mm shall be maintained between the goods and the sprinkler heads.
(See Diagram 9.5.2b.(4))
(5) Other fire safety requirements applicable to all ODAs
(a) There shall be no open-flame activities at the ODAs.
(b) The ODAs shall not encroach onto any fire engine accessway/ fire engine access road.
(c) Fire extinguisher(s) shall be provided to cover the ODAs so that no person needs to travel more than 15m to reach an extinguisher. For roofed-over ODAs detached from building, fire extinguisher shall be provided for each stall.
Diagram 9.5.2b.(1) : Non-roofed-over ODAs detached from building
The goods display area shall be located at least 3m from the roof eaves and/or boundaries of the neighbouring buildings.
Diagram 9.5.2b.(2) : Roofed-over ODAs detached from building
The goods display area shall be located at least 3m from the roof eaves and/or boundaries of the neighbouring buildings.
The maximum total length of stalls shall not exceed 6m. A separation distance of at least 3m shall be provided between stalls if the total length exceeds 6m. However, the continuous length of stalls can exceed 6m if hose reel is provided to cover these stalls.
Diagram 9.5.2b.(3) : ODAs along covered walkway
Diagram 9.5.2b.(4) : ODAs underneath extended awning/canopy