Installation of any fixed automatic fire extinguishing systems which are not deemed to be required by this Code shall not be accepted as substitute of any provision stipulated in this Code unless otherwise approved by the SCDF. Such systems will be considered additional protection for property safety and their installation shall not adversely affect the performance of the stipulated systems.
6.5.2 Design standard
Explanations & Illustrations
Clause 6.5.2 : Design standard
( No illustration )
Fixed automatic fire extinguisher systems include, fixed water spray, gas flooding system & wet chemical suppression system for kitchen hood etc..
Where a building is provided with automatic sprinkler system, the provision of any of the above system for added protection to property shall not affect the operation and performance of the sprinkler system in the building. For example, a computer room is provided with gas flooding system, in addition to the sprinkler system.
Any fixed automatic fire extinguishing system such as gas flooding system which are not deemed to be a requirement under the Fire Code for a particular building shall not be accepted as replacement or substitute of any system required by the Fire Code unless approved by the SCDF.
Such automatic fire extinguishing systems if not properly installed or incorrectly maintained could pose additional hazard to the occupants. Warning signs are to be visibly displaced at strategic position. Features such as stopping of air handling units or other safety features are needed to be incorporated in the installing of the above. QPs are to seek clarification/consultation with the SCDF before carrying out any such installation in their developments.
The design and installation of such automatic fire extinguishing systems shall comply
with corresponding Codes of Practice acceptable to the SCDF.