
Changi Airport Temp Screening


Bright eyed, excited and freshly minted LTA (NSF) Aveek Goswami reported for duty on his first day keen to learn and do a good job in leading a platoon of men as a Rota Commander in SCDF’s Special Rescue Unit (SRU). He has heard much about SRU and how it was recognised as the crack troops of SCDF. The SRU specialises in decontamination, large fire and rescue operations and mass casualty ambulance conveyance. It is always ready 24/7.

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Tuas Crescent 4

From the Fire Ground: “The Blazing Dawn at Tuas Crescent”

At 5.57am on 11 December 2019, SCDF received a call on a fire at No. 48 Tuas Crescent. Mere streets away from the incident, the personnel from Rota 2 of Tuas Fire Station swung into action. A thick column of black smoke rising into the still dark sky marked their destination. Within four minutes of the fire being reported, SCDF was at the scene.

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Lessons Learnt from the Thai Cave Rescue

On 21 November 2019, the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) organised the inaugural First Responders Safety & Performance Symposium (FRSPS) at the Singapore Expo Convention and Exhibition Centre. Temasek Foundation was SCDF’s strategic partner for this symposium. Concurrently, SCDF co-curated the academic programme for this symposium with its knowledge partner, the Department of Physiology, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore (NUS).

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04a A Day in a Life of Volunteer Fire and Rescue Specialist

A Day in the Life of a Volunteer Fire and Rescue Specialist

Volunteer Fire and Rescue Specialist (FRS), LTA (V) Lin Jiawei, 27, together with his colleagues from the Civil Defence Auxiliary Unit (CDAU), fought the massive Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) facility fire at Jalan Buroh on the Friday evening of 21 June 2019. As he approached the scorching heat and thick smoke that blurred his vision momentarily, Jiawei recalled hearing the loud sound of explosions and the sight of flying LPG canisters. “To be honest, I was afraid of the scale of fire and the danger it posed,” said Jiawei. “However, it was my duty as a trained FRS to put out the fire, I had to put aside my fear no matter what and confront the inferno.” Read more of the article here...

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From the Fire Ground - Fire in 5th floor unit. Someone trapped inside

From the Fire Ground: “Fire in 5th floor unit. Someone trapped inside.”

“Fire in 5th floor unit. Someone trapped inside.” That was the message routed to the Rota on shift at Jurong Fire Station on the night of 18th August 2019. Two fire bikes, two fire engines, a Red Rhino and a combined platform ladder were immediately dispatched to the scene at Block 158 Yung Loh Road. Read more of this story here...

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01 The Hybrid Lifesaver and VSC

The Hybrid: Lifesaver and Volunteer Special Constabulary

If you think that being a volunteer in two Home Team departments is impossible, then one Civil Defence Auxiliary Unit (CDAU) officer has made the impossible possible. Meet SGT1 (V) Leow Yong Tai, 37, an auxiliary firefighter with the SCDF and a Police volunteer special constabulary (VSC)[1] , who works full-time as a Human Resource professional in a Multi-National Corporation (MNC). Rescue 995 speaks to SGT1 Leow Yong Tai to find out more about his experience as a volunteer for CDAU and VSC.

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02 The Nursing Student Who Aspires More Than Just A Lifesaver

The Nursing Student Who Aspires To Be A Lifesaver

SGT2 (V) Eugene Seah, 24, did not walk the path of ordinary undergraduates whose main focus is typically to first get a degree and then a job. In fact, at the young age of 13, Eugene has already set his mind on a career that fits his passion of helping others in need. Read more of Eugene's story in this article here...

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03 Firefighting is like a hobby to me

“Firefighting is like a hobby to me”

Meet SGT1 (V) Jeffrey Tan, a volunteer firefighter in the Civil Defence Auxiliary Unit (CDAU) who holds three portfolios in his career. Besides being a Senior Healthcare Executive at the Healthcare Support Services and an Assistant Operations Manager at Certis CISCO, Jeffrey is also a Discipline Master at the Republic Polytechnic.

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05 A Day in a Life of  Volunteer Medic

A Day in the Life of a Volunteer Medic

Chun Ju joined the Civil Defence Auxiliary Unit (CDAU) in 2015 when he was pursuing his full-time degree in Computer Science at the National Technological University (NTU). Despite being a full-time web developer now, Chun Ju still actively commits two days per week as a volunteer medic at Alexandra Fire Station. Read more about Chun Ju's experience as a volunteer medic here...

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06 A Nurse's Tales from the Frontline as a Volunteer Medic

A Nurse’s Tales from the Frontline as a Volunteer Medic

A nurse’s mission is not just to save lives but to preserve the quality of life. Volunteer medic SGT1 (V) Guo Bing is a professional nurse who holds this mission close to her heart. After graduating with a Nursing Diploma in 2002, Guo Bing started her career as a nurse and later, joined the Civil Defence Auxiliary Unit (CDAU) in 2017. She commits twice a month as a volunteer medic at Sengkang Fire Station. Read more about Guo Bing's experience as a volunteer medic at the frontline here...

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