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a. Project description
A description of the project with brief outline of the facilities provided.
b. Fire safety design concept
This would include the safety design concept incorporated in the project such as the application of design and provision of areas of refuge, smoke barriers, additional compartment walls/ doors in sectionalizing the large atrium floors etc. and other added fire safety features provided over and above the intent of the Code.
c. Fire engine accessibility
This would briefly outline the driveways, which are paved to withstand the load of fire engines, to be provided.
d. Means of escape
This would include the description of the escape routes that would be taken by occupants in the station in a fire scenario, besides the provision of the number, type and location of staircases, etc.
e. Structural fire precautions
This would outline the fire resistance rating and the type of structural protection to elements of structures, compartment walls/ floors, types and methods of fire-stoppings to ducts, cavity and curtain walling construction, and types and rating of all fire doors.
f. Control and exhaust of smoke and toxic fumes
This would include the description of the type of system to be provided to atrium, staircases and lobbies, air-conditioning units, etc.
g. Firefighting system
This would include the active protection system such as portable fire extinguishers, hose reels, dry rising mains, sprinkler system, gas flooding system, fixed/ portable water monitors, fixed water spray, drenchers, etc.
h. Fire alarm system
This would include the provision of passive fire protection system such as automatic fire detection systems (smoke or heat type), “break the glass” fire alarm system. Besides naming the type of automatic system, the description shall also include where the detectors would be generally located in fire risk areas/rooms such as lift motor rooms, electrical switch rooms, MDF, IDF and PABX rooms electrical ducts and enclosed elevator shafts, and how, when any of the systems is activated, the public, the people in the PSC, OCC or FCC are alerted.
i. Emergency power supply
This would include the description of how the emergency power system operates in times of loss of normal electric power supply to any part of the station and the areas or systems that will be designed to receive emergency power.
j. Emergency evacuation lighting
This would include the description of the system designed in accordance with SS 563, and the location of exit signs etc. and the types of battery system, and designed time for the switchover to emergency lighting system from the time the normal power supply is cut-off.
k. Emergency voice communication system
This would involve the description of the provision of the one-way zoned and electrically monitored emergency paging system to critical areas such as lobbies, corridors, exit stairways, toilets, restaurant, shop and offices, M&E plant rooms. The emergency public address system which generally complies with SS 546 would include communication between OCC, PSC or FCC and all parts of the station except lift cars through electrical loudspeakers.
l. Two-way emergency voice communication system
This would describe the operation of the 2-way zoned and coded voice communication system, which is electrically supervised from the central control located in the FCC or in the absence of which, the main alarm panel, including the provision of slave telephones to critical areas as state in Cl.8.2.7.
m. Emergency lift control
This would describe the function of the Emergency Lift Control conforming to the requirements under SS 550. The description of the emergency lift control would also include the sequence of events in case of:
(1) power failure;
(2) fire emergency; and
(3) both power failure and fire emergency.
n. Areas of fire risk
This would briefly describe the areas of fire risk such as AC plant room, generator room, oil tank room, etc. and the type of fire protection/ detection system proposed.
o. Fire scenario
Under this subject, the qualified person would have to assume the outbreak of a fire in one of the critical floors or areas and describe the sequence of operation of the fire protection and life safety design features.
p. Conclusion
This would include the summing up of the outline concepts and systems that have been designed for the project.
q. Attachments
(1) Location plans of steel structural members coated with intumescent paint.
(2) Location plans of fire risk areas.
(3) Any other attachments required for the report.